
DIYWingback Chair Re-Upholstered

I bought this chair for $4 at a yard sale over the summer and knew that it could be beautiful if given a new upholstery job. What do I know about upholstery? Nothing. So, I researched quite a bit and I was finally motivated to finish before December and the holidays came around. 

I worked on it off and on over the fall... taking the staples off, debating on a fabric choice, researching more and more and finally came to the day when it was all ready to be recovered. Stephen helped me a ton and I couldn't have done it without his muscle. Seriously- who knew you had to have such muscles for upholstery?

We made a few mistakes (I did) in cutting the fabric and it isn't perfect but it is functional and we really like it. I was going to be crazy and sew my own piping for the edges but after seeing the cost of the custom footer I would have to buy, I said "forget it" and got some $3 decorative trim from the Hobster (Hobby Lobby) and hot-glued that right on. Much easier and what was I thinking?


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