
Welcome home

I have thought about my "goals" for 2013 in terms of this house and all it requires, but I think I would rather focus on creating a feel for my home. Don't get me wrong- I love to do projects and accomplish things and change things up, but I truly want my home to be a sanctuary for my family, a blessing for our friends and welcoming to guests.

The idea of "home" is very strong. This image can be negative or warm and wonderful. I want it to be warm and wonderful for my children and for my husband, as he walks in after work. I want to be able to come home and relax and enjoy my surroundings- these are the reasons behind what I do in my home. I want it to be a place to encourage, edify and love one another and work well for our family (function, organization, etc.).

So, with that being said, I thought I would share pictures from our living room as it is currently. I am enjoying it and might make a few changes here and there but I feel like I have captured these feelings in my living room and need to apply it to more rooms in our home...

Without more commenting... welcome in!
Here is what you see when you first step in through our entryway.

 The space isn't that big, but we do manage to fit the piano in here, which I love. I teach part-time and play, as does my oldest daughter.
 Here is my $4 chair that we re-upholstered!

Along this wall, next to the entryway, is our mantel and the only tv in the house.

And that is the grand tour for the living room! Like I said, I enjoy being in this room and it feels warm and inviting to me. Now I just need to apply that to a few other rooms in our home and I will be happy! Thanks for stopping by!

**UPDATE with new curtains here!!

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