this will be a controversial post but I am going for it anyways since I
have been reevaluating our decision not to put our kids in any sports
this year. We had a good reason at the beginning of the school year- the
birth of our third child. I had already told the kids not to expect to
participate in any sports this year since I knew it would be crazy town
at our house.
Well, her motivation plummeted when the hours, pressure and intensity increased. She took a step back last year and did not compete and took another step all the way off the bandwagon over the summer with no desire to return. This was a struggle for me as I didn't know if I should push her to continue trying at something she was talented at, or if I should let it go. We, obviously, made the decision to let it go and let her decide.
My other daughter did gymnastics and swimming for fun. Anyways, after the summer, I told both of the girls what was up and expected them to be rather disappointed. They weren't and we continued with school. Keep in mind that they do play the piano and my oldest also plays the violin. And here we are in January and not once have either of them complained about not being able to play a sport. Wanna know what they do instead?
Play. And read. A lot. And help me with the baby. Or play with their baby sister. Or they create art. And guess what I don't have to do? Yep, be a taxi service! It really has been so great to take a break. Makes me not ever want to go back to after school practices.
Think they are missing out? I don't. Think I am depriving them of their
chance to play in high school? I would care if I cared about things like
that but I don't.
Sports have taken over the weekends, taken over dinner times, taken
over a child's leisure time, taken over family communication. I don't
judge you if your kids play sports- of course! But I am thrilled that we
have this time of peace and quiet and that we aren't slaves to a sport
right now. And I dare say that my kids are too. Before they hardly had
time to play together, but now they do almost every day and while they
don't always get along (let's not be ridiculous here) they do love each
other and enjoy each other and they have great imaginations! I think
they are less stressed and are finding great security in coming home
each day and knowing that they can just be themselves and finish their
homework in a leisurely manner.
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